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Monday - Saturday: 8am - 5pm
Sunday: 9am - 3pm

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If you love flowers, you'll love Molzon's


In The Greenhouse

Orchids: Exotic Beauties To Warm The Winter

Orchids are some of the most exotic plants on earth. They display an amazing range of diversity in the size, shape and color of their unique flowers. There is a misconception, however, that these floral treasures are difficult to grow. Not true. More and more gardeners are growing and collecting orchids each year. Provide the essentials and you too can grow orchids easily!

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Caring for Forced Bulbs

Potted tulips, crocus, hyacinths and daffodils add color to dull, dreary winter months. With proper care, these spring treasures can give you weeks of enjoyment long before their outdoor cousins poke through the soil, bringing a burst of color and life to your home even when winter is in full…

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Holiday Poinsettia Care

A poinsettia plant is the quintessential holiday decoration and hostess gift for holiday parties or visits. They’re great as a centerpiece, decorating a step or filling in any empty space with bold holiday color and cheer.

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